Easy Egg Fried Rice Recipe: A Delicious Guide to Homemade Perfection

How To Make Egg Fried Rice

Gather Ingredients:

Before diving into making a delicious batch of egg fried rice, it's essential to gather all the necessary ingredients. For this recipe, you will need eggs, cooked rice (preferably day-old for better texture), soy sauce for that umami flavor, vegetables such as peas and carrots for added color and nutrition, cooking oil for frying, and salt and pepper to season your dish to perfection. Having these ingredients ready will ensure a smooth cooking process and a flavorful outcome.


In a medium bowl, beat the eggs until well mixed. Heat some cooking oil in a pan over medium heat. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and scramble them until fully cooked, then remove from the pan and set aside for later. Cooking the eggs separately ensures they remain fluffy and adds a delicious texture to the fried rice.

Cooked rice

To prepare the cooked rice for this easy egg fried rice recipe, it is best to use leftover rice that has been refrigerated overnight. This helps to dry out the grains slightly, making them perfect for stir-frying. If you don't have leftover rice, you can cook a fresh batch and spread it out on a tray to cool down before using it in the recipe. The key is to ensure that the rice is not too sticky or wet, as this can result in a mushy fried rice dish.

Soy sauce

To enhance the flavor of our egg fried rice, we will be using soy sauce. Soy sauce is a staple condiment in Asian cuisine, known for its rich umami taste and dark color. It is made from fermented soybeans, roasted grains, water, and salt. Soy sauce adds depth and savory notes to dishes, making it a perfect seasoning for fried rice. When adding soy sauce to your egg fried rice, start with a small amount and adjust to taste as it can be quite salty. The soy sauce will not only season the dish but also give it a beautiful brown color.

g., peas, carrots)

For this easy egg fried rice recipe, you can customize your vegetables based on your preferences. Popular choices include peas and carrots for their vibrant colors and complementary flavors. Peas add a pop of sweetness, while carrots provide a subtle crunch. These vegetables also offer essential nutrients like vitamins A and C, adding both flavor and health benefits to your dish. Feel free to experiment with other vegetables like bell peppers or broccoli to create your own unique version of this classic dish.

Cooking oil

To cook the egg fried rice, heat cooking oil in a pan over medium heat. The type of oil you use can affect the flavor of the dish. Vegetable oil or sesame oil are commonly used for their neutral flavors that complement the other ingredients well. Once the oil is hot, you can proceed to add the beaten eggs to scramble in the pan. The oil helps prevent sticking and adds a rich taste to the eggs as they cook. Remember not to overcrowd the pan to ensure even cooking of the eggs. Once scrambled, remove them from the pan and set aside for later mixing with the rice and vegetables.

Salt and pepper

To enhance the flavor of the egg fried rice, season it with salt and pepper according to your taste preferences. Salt helps to bring out the natural flavors of the ingredients, while pepper adds a subtle kick of heat and depth. Remember to start with a small amount of salt and pepper, as you can always adjust the seasoning later on. Be sure to taste the dish before serving and make any necessary adjustments to achieve a perfectly balanced flavor profile.

Prepare Ingredients:

To prepare the ingredients for this easy egg fried rice recipe, start by beating eggs in a bowl until well mixed. Next, chop your choice of vegetables such as peas and carrots into small pieces. Heat cooking oil in a pan over medium heat to get ready for cooking. These simple steps will ensure that you have everything ready to create a delicious homemade egg fried rice dish.

Beat eggs in a bowl

To start preparing your delicious egg fried rice, begin by beating the eggs in a bowl. Crack the desired number of eggs into a mixing bowl and whisk them until well combined. This step ensures that the eggs are evenly mixed and will create a fluffy texture when cooked. Beating the eggs also helps incorporate air, resulting in a lighter and more tender final dish. Once the eggs are thoroughly beaten, they are ready to be poured into the pan to begin cooking for your homemade egg fried rice masterpiece.

Chop vegetables

To prepare the vegetables for the egg fried rice, start by chopping them into small, uniform pieces. You can use a mix of colorful vegetables like peas and carrots to add both flavor and nutrition to the dish. The key is to ensure that the vegetables are cut into similar sizes so they cook evenly and blend well with the rice and eggs. Once chopped, set them aside until it's time to stir-fry them in the pan. This step not only adds a delightful crunch to the dish but also enhances its overall visual appeal.

Heat oil in a pan

To start making delicious egg fried rice, heat some cooking oil in a pan over medium heat. The type of oil you use can affect the flavor of the dish, so consider using sesame oil for a more authentic taste or vegetable oil for a milder option. Make sure the oil is hot before adding any ingredients to ensure that the rice doesn't stick to the pan and that the vegetables cook evenly. Heating the oil properly will help create that perfect texture and flavor in your homemade egg fried rice.

Cook Eggs:

To cook the eggs for your delicious egg fried rice, start by pouring the beaten eggs into a heated pan with some oil. Allow the eggs to set slightly before gently scrambling them until fully cooked. Once the eggs are done, remove them from the pan and set them aside for later. Cooking the eggs separately ensures they remain fluffy and adds a rich flavor to the dish.

Pour beaten eggs into the pan

Once the oil is heated, pour the beaten eggs into the pan. Allow them to cook undisturbed for a few seconds until they start to set around the edges. Using a spatula, gently scramble the eggs until fully cooked but still moist. This will ensure that the eggs are fluffy and not overcooked. Once done, remove the scrambled eggs from the pan and set them aside while you stir-fry the vegetables.

Scramble until cooked

Once the beaten eggs are poured into the hot pan, use a spatula to scramble them gently. Continue to move the eggs around in the pan until they are fully cooked through. The eggs should be soft and slightly moist, not dry or overcooked. Once done, remove the scrambled eggs from the pan and set them aside while you prepare the vegetables for the next step in creating your delicious egg fried rice.

Remove from pan and set aside

Once the eggs are fully cooked, use a spatula to gently remove them from the pan and set them aside on a plate. It's important to ensure that the eggs are not overcooked to maintain their fluffy texture and flavor. Setting them aside allows you to add them back into the fried rice later, ensuring they stay warm and retain their delicious taste.

Stir-Fry Vegetables:

Once the vegetables are chopped and the oil is heated in the pan, it's time to stir-fry them. Add the vegetables to the pan and cook them until they are tender. Stirring frequently will ensure even cooking and prevent burning. The vegetables will add a burst of color, flavor, and nutrients to your egg fried rice. This step helps create a well-balanced dish that is both delicious and nutritious.

Add chopped vegetables to the pan

To add some nutritious and colorful elements to your egg fried rice, it's time to incorporate the chopped vegetables into the pan. The sizzling sound as the vegetables hit the hot oil is a delightful sign that you're on your way to a flavorful dish. Stir them around gently, allowing them to cook until they reach a tender texture. The vibrant hues of the peas and carrots will not only enhance the visual appeal of your dish but also provide a burst of freshness with every bite.

Cook until tender

After cooking the eggs, it's time to stir-fry the vegetables. Add the chopped vegetables to the pan and cook them until they are tender. This process will help to enhance the flavors of the vegetables and ensure they are cooked just right. Be sure not to overcook them, as you want to retain some crunchiness for added texture in your egg fried rice. Once the vegetables are tender, you can proceed to combine them with the cooked rice and soy sauce for a flavorful dish that is both satisfying and delicious.

Combine Ingredients:

Once the vegetables are tender, it's time to add the cooked rice to the pan. Make sure the rice is not clumpy; break up any chunks with a spatula. Pour in a generous amount of soy sauce for that classic fried rice flavor. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir everything together until the rice is well coated with the savory soy sauce and all the ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the dish. This step brings all the flavors together, creating a harmonious blend of textures and tastes in your egg fried rice.

Add cooked rice to the pan

Once the vegetables are tender, add the cooked rice to the pan. Stir in a generous amount of soy sauce for that classic savory flavor. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper to enhance the taste. The rice will start to absorb the flavors and become nicely coated with the seasonings. Make sure to stir everything well to ensure that each grain of rice is infused with the delicious mixture.

Stir in soy sauce

Once the vegetables are tender, it's time to add flavor to your egg fried rice. Stir in soy sauce to infuse the dish with its signature umami taste. Soy sauce not only adds depth of flavor but also gives the dish a rich color. The salty and savory notes of soy sauce complement the eggs, rice, and vegetables perfectly, creating a harmonious blend of flavors in every bite. Be sure to adjust the amount of soy sauce according to your taste preferences, as it can vary depending on the brand and type used.

Season with salt and pepper

To enhance the flavors of the dish, season the egg fried rice with salt and pepper to taste. The salt will help bring out the natural flavors of the ingredients, while the pepper adds a subtle kick of heat. Remember to start with a small amount of salt and pepper, tasting as you go to adjust according to your preference. This step is crucial in achieving a well-balanced and delicious homemade egg fried rice that will surely delight your taste buds.

Add Eggs:

6. Add Eggs:

Once the vegetables are tender, it's time to reintroduce the cooked eggs back into the pan. Gently mix the scrambled eggs with the rice and vegetables until they are well combined. The fluffy texture of the eggs will add a delightful richness to the dish, complementing the flavors of the vegetables and soy sauce perfectly. Stirring continuously ensures that every grain of rice is coated with the savory egg mixture, creating a harmonious blend of ingredients in every bite.

Mix scrambled eggs back into the rice

Once the vegetables are tender, it's time to mix the scrambled eggs back into the rice. Gently fold the cooked eggs into the rice and vegetable mixture, ensuring that everything is evenly combined. The fluffy scrambled eggs will add a rich and savory flavor to the dish, complementing the textures of the vegetables and rice. Stir everything together until well incorporated, allowing the flavors to meld together beautifully. This step brings all the elements of this easy egg fried rice recipe together for a delicious homemade meal.

Stir until well combined

Once the scrambled eggs are cooked, mix them back into the rice in the pan. Stir everything together until well combined. The eggs will add a fluffy texture and rich flavor to the rice, enhancing the overall dish. Make sure to evenly distribute the eggs throughout the rice to ensure each bite is packed with delicious flavors. This step helps marry all the ingredients together, creating a harmonious blend of tastes and textures in every mouthful.


Once your egg fried rice is ready, it's time to add the finishing touches before indulging in this delightful dish. Garnish the rice with freshly chopped green onions or sprinkle some sesame seeds on top for an added burst of flavor and a touch of visual appeal. These garnishes not only enhance the presentation but also contribute to the overall taste experience. Now, sit back, relax, and savor every mouthful of your homemade egg fried rice creation. Enjoy the delicious blend of flavors and textures that make this dish a true culinary delight!

Garnish with green onions or sesame seeds

Garnish with green onions or sesame seeds to add a burst of flavor and visual appeal to your egg fried rice. Green onions, also known as scallions, provide a fresh and mild onion flavor that complements the dish well. Sesame seeds offer a nutty taste and crunchy texture, enhancing the overall experience. Simply sprinkle your chosen garnish on top of the egg fried rice before serving to elevate the dish and impress your taste buds. Enjoy this delightful homemade creation!

Enjoy your delicious egg fried rice!

Once everything is well combined, garnish your egg fried rice with some freshly chopped green onions or sprinkle some sesame seeds on top for an extra burst of flavor and a touch of color. Now, sit back, relax, and savor every bite of your homemade delicious egg fried rice. Enjoy the delightful blend of fluffy rice, savory eggs, crunchy vegetables, and the umami-rich soy sauce. Bon appétit!