Whip Up Perfectly Creamy Hummus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Homemade Hummus

How To Make Hummus

Hummus, a Middle Eastern dip, has gained immense popularity worldwide for its creamy texture and delicious flavor. Made from simple ingredients like chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and spices, hummus is not only incredibly versatile but also packed with nutrients. Whether you're hosting a party or looking for a healthy snack option, homemade hummus is the perfect choice. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to whip up the perfectly creamy hummus in your own kitchen. Get ready to indulge in this delightful Mediterranean delight!

Ingredients for Hummus

To whip up a perfectly creamy hummus, you will need the following ingredients:

1. Chickpeas: The star ingredient of hummus, you can use either canned or dried chickpeas. If using dried chickpeas, soak them overnight and cook until tender.

2. Tahini: This sesame seed paste adds a rich and nutty flavor to the hummus. Look for a good quality tahini in your local grocery store.

3. Lemon Juice: Freshly squeezed lemon juice adds a tangy and refreshing taste to the hummus. Use about 2-3 tablespoons, or adjust according to your preference.

4. Garlic: A few cloves of garlic give the hummus its characteristic savory flavor. You can adjust the amount based on your taste preferences.

5. Salt: To enhance the flavors, add salt to taste. Start with a pinch and adjust as needed.

6. Cumin: This spice adds a warm and earthy note to the hummus. Use about 1 teaspoon or adjust according to your liking.

With these simple ingredients, you are ready to create a delicious batch of homemade hummus that will impress your family and friends!

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Hummus

1. Soaking and Cooking Chickpeas: Start by soaking dried chickpeas overnight in water. Drain and rinse the chickpeas, then cook them in a pot of boiling water until tender.

2. Blending the Chickpeas: Transfer the cooked chickpeas to a blender or food processor. Blend until they form a smooth paste, adding a little bit of water if needed.

3. Adding Tahini and Lemon Juice: Add tahini paste and freshly squeezed lemon juice to the blended chickpeas. These ingredients will give the hummus its creamy texture and tangy flavor.

4. Seasoning with Garlic, Salt, and Cumin: Crush some garlic cloves and add them to the mixture along with salt and cumin powder. Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preferences.

5. Blending until Smooth and Creamy: Blend all the ingredients together until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency. If necessary, add more water or olive oil to reach your desired texture.

Remember to scrape down the sides of the blender or food processor occasionally to ensure that all ingredients are well incorporated.

Now that you have followed these steps, you have successfully made homemade hummus!

Soaking and Cooking Chickpeas

The first step in making perfectly creamy hummus is to soak and cook the chickpeas. Soaking the chickpeas overnight or for at least 8 hours helps to soften them, making them easier to blend into a smooth consistency.

To soak the chickpeas, place them in a large bowl and cover with water. Make sure there is enough water to fully submerge the chickpeas as they will expand during soaking. Leave them to soak overnight or for at least 8 hours.

After soaking, drain the chickpeas and rinse them thoroughly under running water. This helps remove any impurities and reduces the chances of digestive discomfort.

Next, transfer the soaked chickpeas to a large pot and cover with fresh water. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let the chickpeas simmer for about 1-2 hours or until they are tender.

You can check if they are cooked by gently pressing one between your fingers – it should easily mash without any resistance. Be careful not to overcook them as this can result in mushy hummus.

Once cooked, drain the chickpeas well and let them cool slightly before using them in your hummus recipe. Cooking your own chickpeas from scratch gives you control over their texture and flavor, resulting in a more delicious homemade hummus experience.

Blending the Chickpeas

Once your chickpeas are cooked and cooled, it's time to blend them into a smooth and creamy consistency. Transfer the chickpeas to a food processor or blender, making sure to include any cooking liquid that was saved. This liquid will help achieve the desired texture.

Start by pulsing the chickpeas a few times to break them down. Then, gradually increase the speed and blend for about 1-2 minutes until you have a thick paste. If needed, scrape down the sides of the processor or blender to ensure even blending.

For an extra smooth hummus, you can continue blending for another couple of minutes. If you prefer a chunkier texture, simply pulse a few more times until you reach your desired consistency.

Remember that the longer you blend, the smoother and creamier your hummus will be. So take your time and keep checking until it reaches the perfect texture.

Adding Tahini and Lemon Juice

Once the chickpeas are blended to a smooth consistency, it's time to add the key ingredients that give hummus its distinct flavor. Start by adding tahini, a paste made from ground sesame seeds. The tahini adds richness and nuttiness to the hummus.

Measure out about ¼ cup of tahini and add it to the blender or food processor with the chickpeas. Next, squeeze in the juice of one lemon. The lemon juice provides a tangy and refreshing element to balance out the flavors.

Blend everything together until well combined. The tahini and lemon juice will further enhance the creaminess of the hummus, creating a velvety texture that is irresistible.

Remember, you can adjust the amount of tahini and lemon juice according to your personal preference. If you prefer a stronger sesame flavor, you can add more tahini. Likewise, if you enjoy a tangier taste, feel free to squeeze in some extra lemon juice.

The addition of tahini and lemon juice takes hummus from being just mashed chickpeas to a flavorful dip that will leave your taste buds craving for more.

Seasoning with Garlic, Salt, and Cumin

To enhance the flavor of your homemade hummus, it's essential to season it with garlic, salt, and cumin. These ingredients add a burst of savory and aromatic notes to the creamy base. Start by mincing 2 cloves of garlic and adding them to the blender along with 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin. Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preference. The garlic provides a pungent kick, while the salt brings out the natural flavors of the chickpeas. The cumin adds a warm, earthy undertone that complements the other ingredients perfectly. Blend everything together until well combined, ensuring that all the flavors are evenly distributed throughout the hummus mixture. This step is crucial in achieving a well-balanced and deliciously seasoned hummus that will leave your taste buds wanting more.

Blending until Smooth and Creamy

Once you have added the garlic, salt, and cumin to the chickpeas and tahini mixture, it's time to blend until smooth and creamy. This step is crucial in achieving the perfect texture for your homemade hummus. Start by pulsing the blender a few times to break down the ingredients. Then, gradually increase the speed and continue blending until you reach a smooth and creamy consistency. Be patient during this process as it may take a few minutes for the hummus to become completely smooth. If needed, you can add a little water or olive oil to help achieve the desired consistency. Once blended to perfection, your hummus is ready to be enjoyed!

Serving and Storing Hummus

Once your homemade hummus is ready, it's time to serve and enjoy this creamy delight. You can serve hummus as a dip with pita bread, crackers, or fresh vegetables like carrots and cucumber. It also makes a great spread for sandwiches and wraps.

To store leftover hummus, transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate. Properly stored, homemade hummus can last up to one week in the refrigerator. Before serving again, give it a quick stir as it may thicken slightly when chilled.

Remember to bring the hummus to room temperature before serving if you prefer a softer consistency. If you find that your hummus has become too thick after refrigeration, simply add a little water or olive oil and blend until desired consistency is achieved.

Now that you know how to make perfect homemade hummus and how to serve and store it properly, get creative with your toppings and enjoy this versatile Middle Eastern delicacy at any time!

Variations and Tips for Making Hummus

1. Roasted Red Pepper Hummus: Add roasted red peppers to the blender along with the other ingredients for a smoky and slightly sweet twist on traditional hummus.

2. Spicy Jalapeno Hummus: For those who like a kick of heat, add diced jalapenos or a few dashes of hot sauce to the blender. Adjust the amount according to your spice preference.

3. Olive Tapenade Hummus: Stir in a spoonful of olive tapenade to give your hummus a briny and tangy flavor. This variation pairs well with crackers or as a spread on sandwiches.

4. Avocado Hummus: Mash in half an avocado for a creamy and rich hummus variation. The avocado adds an extra layer of smoothness and healthy fats.

5. Toppings and Garnishes: Get creative with toppings! Sprinkle some paprika, drizzle olive oil, or garnish with fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro to enhance the presentation and taste.


- Use canned chickpeas if you're short on time, but rinsing them thoroughly helps remove excess sodium.

- Add ice water gradually while blending to achieve desired consistency.

- Let the flavors meld by refrigerating homemade hummus for at least 30 minutes before serving.

- Experiment with different spices like smoked paprika, turmeric, or sumac to customize your hummus.

- Don't be afraid to adjust the ingredients according to your taste preferences - more lemon juice for tanginess or extra garlic for bold flavor.

With these variations and tips, you can elevate your homemade hummus game and impress your guests with unique flavors and textures!

In conclusion, making homemade hummus is a rewarding and delicious experience. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can whip up a perfectly creamy hummus that will impress your family and friends. Remember to soak and cook the chickpeas until they are tender, blend them with tahini and lemon juice for a smooth texture, and season with garlic, salt, and cumin for a flavorful kick. Don't forget to store your hummus in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Get creative with variations such as adding roasted red peppers or olives for extra flavor. So go ahead and give it a try - you won't be disappointed!

Published: 26. 12. 2023

Category: Recipes

Author: Darcy Mercer

Tags: how to make hummus | instructions on making hummus